Terminology game
Do you want to conduct a terminological dictation, but do not know how to do it more fun and creatively? Then you have chosen the right service.
The best way to revise terms
Your students will love definitions and terms
Modern game suitable for learning
Each student in turn must explain to their team the words shown on the interactive board or teacher's computer in a limited time.
One game - endless amount of emotions and skill training
Students will be attracted by the game format. And the need to explain words at speed develops the players' ability to convey their thoughts as accurately and clearly as possible.
Easy to prepare for the lesson and conduct in an original way
3 minutes - and a creative lesson on terms revision is created. All you need to do is write down the words you need before the lesson.
How it works
Create an educational game — fast and easy
Write down terms and definitions
Write down the words and terms you need on different topics. In Premium Access, you can immediately write down the definitions for each word, so that by the end of the round, you could revise them.
Start the game
Count students' correct or incorrect answers.
Order a certificate of the Game Teacher
Add to your portfolio a document confirming your ability to develop gaming educational programs.

As an English teacher, I cannot do without this service now. Children memorize new words, explaining them with the help of those they have learned long time ago.

Finally, none of my students is afraid to go to the blackboard! This effect is well achieved thanks to the game method.

A very convenient and easy-to-use game. For a long time I could not figure out how to conduct the terminological dictation in a non-standard way.

My students increased their vocabulary as we talked and listened more to understand which term is written on the board.

650 000+ students satisfied
A fun way to learn new things or revise the old material
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