Knowledge tests
Quick and convenient control of students' knowledge. Download assignments for any discipline and customize the test as you need it.
Instant feedback
An irreplaceable way to control the knowledge of students
Apply for distance and face-to-face learning
Use it as a control event, homework, or pass it with students right in the lesson.
Use the user-friendly features
You can create different types of text and graphic questions, as well as set a timer for the entire test and each question.
Track students' results
After passing the test, all students' answers are recorded in your personal account.
How it works
Create a test — fast and easy
Create questions
Add different types of questions: open-ended, multiple-choice, and single-choice. For a better perception, download the accompanying image.
Set up your test
Use additional settings: set the start and end dates for the test, turn on the ability to skip a question, set a timer for the test and each question.
Get the students’ results in your personal account
The results of the students will be automatically recorded in your personal account in the card with the test. Click on the "Statistics" button to see them.

The lesson in such format was very interesting for the students, they actively worked in a team and answered questions. And I understood which topics the students remember poorly, and which they know well.

At the end of the month, I always give a final lesson on the studied topics in a quiz format :)

It is convenient that you do not need to purchase additional equipment, since students' telephones serve as remote controls, and it was easy to track which command was the first to signal readiness to answer.

Excellent service - I use it even remotely! Easily create a lesson, broadcast the scoreboard in the zoom! Pupils are happy with this format and do not miss the lessons! Team work - with flying colours!!!

20 000+ teachers satisfied
Convenient for teachers, useful for students
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